Annual General Meeting FAQ

Annual General Meeting FAQ

Creative Support recently held an Annual General Meeting at our co-production centre in North Manchester. You can read more about it here. If you’re not entirely sure what an AGM is and what happens there, have a read of these frequently asked questions.


What is an AGM?

An AGM is a yearly gathering of the people who run an organisation to talk about its performance and strategy. There is often a presentation about the Annual Report, a document containing lots of data and information about the past year, including the financial position of the organisation.


Who is invited to an AGM?

The people who attend an AGM are typically the Chair of the Board, Trustees, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Team, Service Directors, Heads of Departments and people who use the organisation’s services.

• Chair of the Board – The person who holds the most authority on the Board and provides a link between them and the Executive Team.

 Trustee – A person who use their skills and experience to help make decisions for an organisation. Together, Trustees form a Board.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – The highest-ranking person in an organisation responsible for making the important decisions.

Executive Team – A team of people responsible for decision-making and achieving the company’s mission and vision.

Service Director – A person who makes decisions about the organisation’s services in a specific area.

Head of Department – A person who provides leadership to the departments in the organisation’s Head Office such as Marketing or Finance.


When should an AGM take place?

An AGM should take place once a year. Each Annual Report covers what has happened from April until the following March. The AGM takes place in the latter half of the year once the Annual Report has been completed.


How long does an AGM last?

Usually between two and three hours. As well as discussing the Annual Report and other matters relating to the running of the organisation, the AGM provides an opportunity for people to socialise and catch up.


Read all about our AGM 2024 here.