World Mental Health Day 2024

World Mental Health Day 2024

For World Mental Health Day this year, we encouraged people to ‘Take Five’ and spend some time catching up with colleagues and writing positive affirmations.

As the theme this year was mental health in the workplace, staff at Head Office gathered in the boardroom for some delicious baked treats. After enjoying a piece of cake and a cup of tea, we made a ‘Wellbeing Wall’ full of positive affirmations and words of encouragement.

Services across the country also got involved in their own tea and talk sessions, showing appreciation for each other and starting conversations. Hannah, an Administrator in Warwickshire, said, “We also had some treats to share amongst ourselves to remind us all to check in with each other. We had a quiz, facts and myths sheet and a reminder about the Employee Assistance Programme for anyone who needs support.”

Beth in Cumbria said, “We held a coffee morning where we discussed ways we can improve our mental health and what positive things we have in our life.” On their ‘Wellbeing Wall’, there were some heart-warming messages of support including: “Be together through thick and thin, be there for a shoulder to cry on.”

Read some more wonderful messages of support from the ‘Wellbeing Walls’ at Head Office and our services below:

“When I’m stressed, I take a pause, listen to music, drink lots of water and pray.”

“Try speaking to someone you trust about your feelings. Sharing can lighten the load.”

“I am worthy. I am loved. I have value. My feelings, thoughts and opinions are valid. I deserve to be happy.”

“I appreciate how kind and thoughtful my colleagues are. It makes a huge difference!”

“Smile at a stranger.”

“Thank you to my colleagues for seeing me through the roughest times of my life. Thank you for coffees and cakes, chats and laughs.”

“Small steps every day lead to big changes.”

“Live in the moment. Appreciate the little things.”

“Yoga and meditation help me cope with stress. Going on walks and being in nature is how I feel relaxed.”

“I couldn’t ask for friendlier colleagues. It makes every day a treat.”

“I am grateful for a positive work environment and lovely colleagues. Journaling is a good way for me to de-stress, and travelling always helps. Happy World Mental Health Day!”