Health & Safety
Creative Support attaches great importance to health and safety. We work to ensure the health and safety of our employees, service users, visitors to our premises and the general public.
Our philosophy is to reduce risk as far as possible by adapting the physical environment, developing clear procedures and management guidelines and through effective training and supervision of staff, whilst at all times providing opportunities for developing independence and potential for personal development.
Our Induction programmes contain relevant health and safety training and the corporate training calendar also includes specific courses designed to meet the needs of domiciliary and supported living services.
Mandatory training courses are delivered at both local and corporate levels. All staff undertake training in heath and safety, moving and handling, first aid and food hygiene during the induction phase of their employment with Creative Support.
Creative support believes it is important to include service users in the design of services as much as possible. We believe that, where possible, service users should be involved in assessing health and safety issues; this is of particular importance when the support package involves delivering support in the service user’s own home.
Following a full assessment of our Health and Safety practices and procedures, in November 2008 we became a ‘CHAS registered contractor’ under the Contractors Health & Safety (CHAS) Assessment Scheme, which is updated on a regular basis.