
LGBT+ History Month Introduction

LGBT+ History Month Introduction

February marks LGBT+ History Month! This month, people across the UK celebrate and educate themselves and others about LGBT+ issues and history which has been ignored or glossed over in the past. While a lot of the focus is on history, the aim of the month is to also look…

Creative Competition 2021

Creative Competition 2021

We are excited to introduce you to our brand new Creative Competition, where we want to celebrate creativity in all its forms! We would like you to send us your paintings, drawings, models, crotchet, embroidery, photography, creative writing, performances, or whatever other creative endeavours you enjoy, and each month we…

IIP Awards Gold and Silver for Creative Support’s Dedication to Staff Learning and Development

IIP Awards Gold and Silver for Creative Support’s Dedication to Staff Learning and Development

Creative Support, a national charitable provider of social care services, is delighted to announce that, following our recent assessment by Investors in People (IIP), we have retained our organisation wide Silver status. This is wonderful achievement and reflects the dedication of everyone in the organisation! We were also assessed separately…

Introduction to our ‘Kindness Initiative’/’Kindness Week’

Introduction to our ‘Kindness Initiative’/’Kindness Week’

Day Seven, Sunday 17th January 2021 Outro. Today is the last day of our ‘Kindness Initiative’, but that doesn’t mean that being kind and creating happiness is over! This week we’ve shared some truly wonderful acts of kindness from people all across the country. These stories have shown that kindness…

Black Lives Matter – Manifesto for Action

Black Lives Matter – Manifesto for Action

Following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, so shortly after the death of Breonna Taylor due to police brutality, we saw the whole world wake up. The recent barbaric shooting of Jacob Blake, and now the death of Daniel Prude, have increased the sense of outrage. We acknowledge…

In this week’s blog, our CEO discusses the controversy around statues

The removal of statues that no longer reflect and uphold the current values of a country is a common practice. In Germany the statues symbolising the Third Reich were destroyed as soon as the war was over. Other statues have been more contentious and uncertain in their future. The statues…

In her blog this week our CEO discusses the impact of the recent immigration changes

The Government has now released the details of their new ‘points-based’ Immigration System which will be introduced once we leave the EU. There will be no route for ‘unskilled’ posts - there are no opportunities for lower-paid roles (the absolute minimum salary must be £20,480), the skill level must be…