
Working Towards a ‘No Blame’ Culture in Care

Working Towards a ‘No Blame’ Culture in Care

Article written by the Customer Care Team One of the key ways we work here at Creative Support is ensuring everyone knows and acts on their duty of care. Our staff should feel empowered to act upon their duty of care in a ‘no blame’ culture without fear of reprisal.…

Transgender Awareness Week; Organisations and Resources

Transgender Awareness Week; Organisations and Resources

From the LGBTQ+ Network (Throughout we will use the term trans to encompass all trans identities under the umbrella, including non-binary, and genderqueer, which is usually marked with an asterisk) There are lots of fantastic organisations doing brilliant work to support trans people and raise awareness of issues trans people…

Protection from Fraud and Scams

Protection from Fraud and Scams

As part of National Safeguarding Adults Week, we're sharing information to help protect yourself and people who are vulnerable. Protecting your money and your information online has never been so important. The pandemic has given lots of fraudsters opportunities to target people in new ways, so being aware of potential…

What is Trans Healthcare?

What is Trans Healthcare?

This post comes from the LGBTQ+ Network. Throughout we will use the term ‘trans’ to encompass all trans identities under the umbrella, including non-binary and genderqueer, which is usually marked with an asterisk. What is trans healthcare? Trans healthcare refers to a wide range of treatments, which can be undertaken by…

Being an Ally

Being an Ally

Whether you’re a new ally to the trans* community, or have trans* friends and family, there is always space to learn more about how to be a better ally to the trans* people in your life. This is not an exhaustive guide to being a good ally, but we hope…

National Safeguarding Adults Week

National Safeguarding Adults Week

This week marks National Safeguarding Adults Week. Over the course of this week, we’ll be sharing information on the ways you can help to safeguard vulnerable adults, as well as the kinds of safeguarding issues to look out for. ‘Safeguarding’ means protecting the health, wellbeing, and human rights of people…

Trans Awareness and Language

Trans Awareness and Language

This week marks Transgender Awareness Week; a time for people to come together and celebrate our trans community. This week is also an opportunity for people to raise awareness of issues and work to become better allies. The LGBTQ+ Network have put together a series of articles on topics including…

‘Sports for All’ Festival in Blackburn

‘Sports for All’ Festival in Blackburn

Creative Football and the Social Inclusion Service recently held their ‘Sports for All’ friends and family festival in Blackburn, for the people we support with a learning disability. Over one hundred people and their families were able to join in with the sport and meet their needs in a fun…

Share Your Stories!

Share Your Stories!

We want to share your stories! As we come to the close of 2021, we want to take this time to reflect on the past year and talk about everything we’ve achieved over the last twelve months. We would like to invite you to get involved and share with us…

November’s Dorman’s Disco

Join us in November for another Dorman's Disco! The event will be held on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 7-9pm at Dorman Long United Athletic Club, Oxford Road, Linthorpe, TS5 5DT. Register for tickets through the link here: Payment is taken at the door. Tickets are £3, carers are FREE. The…