Christmas Catch Up

As 2024 draws to a close, this month we are encouraging everyone to spend time catching up with friends and family.
Feeling lonely isn’t the same as being alone. Everyone’s experience of how loneliness feels is different, but it usually describes a feeling of when our needs for relationships and being sociable are not met. Certain life events or times of the year, such as Christmas, can be triggers for feeling lonely.
There are lots of things we can do to feel less lonely. Why not call friends or family you haven’t spoken to in a while? Perhaps you could arrange to go for a hot drink or visit local Christmas markets.
Now we’re in December, the last month in our ‘Year of Living Well’, it’s time to reflect on all the things we have done this year. We started the year thinking about the goals we wanted to achieve this year. Think about any steps you may have taken towards your goals, and all the things you may have learned about health and wellbeing this year. Well done to everyone who has taken part in our Year of Living Well!
We’ve got lots planned for next year, so keep your eye on our website and social media for the theme of our journal for 2025!