Code RED

Code RED

Code RED is an anonymous, early intervention process designed to prevent a culture that could give rise to safeguarding issues in our services. It allows you to speak out if you have seen something at work that does not feel right. The process has been designed to promote an open culture of individual responsibility and quick action to make sure people in our care are safe and well.


Email:     Phone: 0161 238 7657

Please download the latest Code Red Posters to be put up in your service.

Frequently Asked Questions 

We’ve included questions and answers below to help you decide if you need to use Code Red but if you report a concern that turns out not to be a safeguarding issue we want to reassure you that it will not impact badly on you or your career.

Q: What is ‘Code RED’?
A: Code RED is an internal reporting procedure which all staff can use to report any concerns they feel may be detrimental to a client’s care or support. This can be completely anonymous.

Q: Why is it called Code RED?
A: The acronym RED stands for: Responsibility, Escalation, Duty of Care.

Q: If I use the Code RED to report a concern that turns out not to be a safeguarding issue, will this have a negative effect on me?
A: No not at all, we are pleased you care enough to call. Please explain as much as you can about the situation and why you are concerned. A manager will take a view and decide what action should be taken. They may already be aware of this concern and may already be working to resolve this issue.

Q: Is Code RED the same as safeguarding?
A: No safeguarding is a statutory process which we need to follow when a person at risk experiences harm or potential harm. Code Red is also different to Whistleblowing which is a way of reporting concerns about the practice of staff.  The importance of Code RED is acting on your duty of care, we are asking staff to always speak up if they have concerns that they feel are not being dealt with.

Q: If I suspect that someone might be being abused or mistreated or just being taken advantage of, what do I do?
A: You should escalate this to safeguarding in the usual way. If you do not think you are the one to do this or if this conflicts with other opinions in the team or with management members but you still have concerns, then you can call the ‘Code RED’ number or email Code RED and report it – this can be done anonymously.

Q: Is Code RED the same as Whistleblowing?
A: There are similarities but no Whistleblowing is usually anonymous and can be external. Code RED is an internal reporting process that invites all staff to act on their professional concerns and also to escalate issues for a second opinion/action by an internal manager.

Q: What happens after I call ‘Code Red’?
A: It will be escalated to a manager within 24 hours who will investigate your concerns and take appropriate action . If you want to hear back about the outcome, please give us your contact details and we will aim to provide an outcome following investigation. However, please be aware that there may be limits to the information we can impart by way of outcome, for instance if this would impact upon another individuals’ right to confidentiality.

Q: What do I do if a care plan clearly states 1:1 support when a service user goes out and there are not enough staff on duty at the point that the service user wants to go out?
A: You inform your manager locally. If you don’t feel you are being listened to you can contact the Code RED team, by phone or email ( or phone 0161 238 7657). Usually local management are the best way to resolve issues like this but if you want a second opinion you can Code RED.

Q: What happens if my decision (e.g. to impose some sort of constraint like preventing a service user from going out) conflicts with what a Social Worker is saying should be allowed?
A: You inform your manager, you record your concerns locally in the summaries of works or communication book or raise this at a staff team meeting. There may be more to the decision than you are aware of and you may learn more through raising this locally (at service level). If you have raised it and you are not satisfied then please Code RED and this can be independently checked.

Q: Is Code RED an action against the local management decision?
A: No, Code RED is a good practice campaign about the responsibility of every individual in Creative Support to act. It is intended to support our local staff and managers and Code RED is to be used to complement and possibly check out local action being taken. Local managers will likely be involved in resolving and working through issues.

Q: I am concerned that staff may not be following one of our client’s care plans, what should I do?
A: You inform your manager locally, if you don’t think this is being listened to you can Code RED, by phone or email ( or phone 0161 238 7657). Most often local management are the best way to resolve issues like this but if you want a second opinion you can Code RED.