Community News #2

Welcome to the Creative Support Community News!
Here you can enjoy the latest good news stories we have shared on socials each week.
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Stu’s Indoor Garden
Stu in Leicester has made his own indoor garden and started growing his own herbs!
In his windowsill, he is growing parsley, thyme, rosemary and many more. He has also bought a baby Bonsai tree and a Peace Lily which has gorgeous white flowers
Did you know the Peace Lily is a symbol of peace? The white flower represents the white flag known all over the world as a truce signal.
Stu says, “I started to grow my herb plants for healthy cooking. My indoor garden is a relaxing place. It also makes me feel creative when I’ve grown something I’ve put effort into and can see my rewards.”
Thanks for sharing this, Stu, what a positive and environmentally-friendly way to brighten your living space!
Afson the Artist
Afson in Doncaster created some colourful life-like portraits of staff members Sarah, Jackie, Ray and Neena.
Afson wanted to brighten the place up for staff and other residents since the wall was very bare, and now it looks lovely!
“It has added to my own individuality and home. It has made staff and my housemates smile. Look out, there may be an appearance in an art gallery soon!”
Thank you for sharing these wonderful pieces of art, Afson!
Safari in Leeds
Lexi in Leeds thought lizards were slimy and armadillos made-up before meeting these animals during a visit from Sam’s Safaris, an animal education company!
Sam laid out a map of the world, and while the insects, reptiles and small mammals were being shown round, she gave facts about them and pointed out where they came from.
Lexi says “The reason I wanted to do it when I saw it advertised on Facebook was because I’m totally blind and it’s hard to visualise animals properly when you hear about them on the TV.
I was worried that the small mammals might run all over me like a friend’s pet rat did once. I needn’t have worried. Everything was very controlled. The animals all seemed incredibly calm.
The chinchilla was so fluffy that I could not discern its shape. The most beautiful one was the tortoise, because it felt like it had carvings on its shell, which were actually hexagonal plates, and it felt like it had grippy slippers on. The most surprising was the armadillo because I actually thought armadillos were made up. My dad used to use armadillo as a silly answer to a silly question!”
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing discoveries, Lexi!
Stay tuned for more Community news! If you have a story you’d love to see here and on our social media, send us an email at