Community News #28

Community News #28

Welcome to the Creative Support Community News!
Here you can enjoy the latest good news
stories we have shared on socials each week.

Do you have a good news story you would like to share?
Email us at! 


Paul Walks 30 Miles in 30 Days for Dementia U.K.


“I like to raise money for different charities. I have always enjoyed helping people, and I’ll carry on helping people. There are lots of people sat at home who can’t go outside due to illness, so I like to do something for them. My dad died from cancer, so I’ve raised money for Cancer Research too.” – Paul

Paul in Calderdale walked 82 miles in September to raise money for Dementia UK. He walked at least a mile every day, and his longest walk was 7.1 miles!

Paul said, “I went all over the place, mainly sticking to the local area, but on my longest walk, I just kept walking along the canal and then came back again. It was lovely. Walking helps me clear my head.”

When it was a bad weather day, Paul would walk around the cricket pitch, but the rain didn’t bother him: “I put my coat on. I don’t give in.”

What an incredible achievement, and such a kind and inspiring thing to do for others. Well done, Paul!



Warwickshire for World Mental Health Day


For World Mental Health Day, we encouraged everyone to ‘Take Five’ for their mental health, catch up with colleagues and create a Wellbeing Wall of inspiring messages.

Staff and the people we support in Warwickshire created their own Wellbeing Wall today, sharing advice on coping with stress, and their best positive affirmations.

“We also had some treats to share amongst ourselves to remind us all to check in with each other,” said Hannah, Administrator. “We had a quiz, facts and myths sheet and a reminder about the Employee Assistance Programme for anyone who needed support.”

Here are some messages from their Wellbeing Wall:

“When I’m stressed, I take a pause, listen to music, drink lots of water and pray.”
“Try speaking to someone you trust about your feelings. Sharing can lighten the load.”
“I am worthy. I am loved. I have value. My feelings, thoughts and opinions are valid. I deserve to be happy.”



Derek, Ian and Carl’s Day Out in Blackpool


Derek, Ian and Carl in Staffordshire recently went on a day trip to Blackpool!

They had a wonderful time walking along the sandy beach, flying through the air on fairground rides and seeing the life-like wax celebrities including Mo Farah in Madame Tussauds.

We hope you had a lovely day, you three! The weather looks gorgeous.







Stay tuned for more Community News! If you have a story you’d love to see here and on our social media, send us an email at