Congratulations and Farewell to Creative Football
It is with immense pride that as of the 1st April 2023, our dedicated team of 4 community workers and volunteers at Creative Football leave Creative Support after 20 years!
It has been truly fantastic to see the team’s development from a small intervention in Blackburn to its wider influence across Pennine Lancashire. From small football sessions in 2007, to now supporting up to 300 people a week, the team have made a very real and positive impact on people’s mental wellbeing. This is both from a self-management and recovery perspective, as well as prevention and improving social connections.
On Saturday, Creative Football officially begin trading as a Community Interest Company (CIC) with their first year funded by Sport England!
From all at Creative Support, we wish you great success for your future, and a huge thank-you for all your great passion and drive to make a real difference. We are so sad to see you go and we will greatly miss you.
– Julie Cooke, Service Director