Coronavirus: Letter to Service User Family Members
I understand that this is a worrying time for everyone, and particularly for those concerned about keeping their vulnerable loved ones safe. I want to reassure you that Creative Support are taking all the measures we can to ensure the safety of the individuals we support.
We have a central Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Response Team who are monitoring all guidance as it is released by Public Health England, the Government and Local Authority briefings in order to ensure that our plans are following best practice at all times.
We are fully aware the Coronavirus will have a significant impact across the population which will impact on our workforce and the individuals we support but we are taking all possible steps to mitigate these impacts where possible.
It is likely that in the coming weeks and months we will need to reduce non-essential support provision due to available staff and that our use of agency staff members will increase to ensure safe delivery. We have cancelled all non-essential group training from the 23rd March to the end of May to reduce travel and group gatherings.
We are committed to supporting our workforce during this challenging time including developing a detailed policy with guidance, a dedicated number of our HR team members to support staff and a specific Coronavirus email address for employees. The biggest challenge will come if and when schools are closed, recognising that many employees have personal caring responsibilities.
What can you do?
It is important that you support services in minimising the risk to your loved one which currently includes restricting non-essential visiting (or no visits at all if you are unwell), washing your hands upon arriving at & leaving the service and observing social distancing principles as far as possible (keeping one meter away from others).
We are also concerned about the wellbeing of you as a family members, recognising some people are over 70 and therefore fall under a higher risk category. If you, or any family members, have any underlying health issues we encourage you to consider their health also and follow government advice.
We will not always be in a position to answer all scenarios that may arise, but please be reassured that we remain both pragmatic and agile in our response to the challenges ahead. Should we reach the point where we are unable to deliver core services we will liaise closely with the Local Authority and yourself to develop plans to keep your loved ones safe.
Kindest regards
Julie Cooke
Service Director