Creative Life #38 – Out Now!

Issue #38 of Creative Life magazine is now out for you all to read and enjoy! This special ‘Community Connections’ issue focusses on our first four monthly themes: Family and Friends, Community Kindness, Love Your Library and Get on Growing. On the front cover you’ll see siblings Robert, Amy and Owen, who we support in Doncaster. You can check out their story ‘Family Ties’ on page 17.
Inside you’ll find more wonderful stories from the people we support, including some community kindness from Seymour Drive, service-user-written articles about mental health and getting out in nature, and read about some adorable four-legged friends.
You can also check out the latest Creative Stars winners, details about our Sunflower Competition, and fun activities and quizzes!
Read it online here!
We would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone who was involved with putting this issue together, including those who came to our editorial meeting to suggest themes and ideas, and everyone who took the time to write an article or be interview by us. If you would like to contribute to the next issue, please get in touch at
We have posted out a copy of Creative Life to all our services, but if you would like extra copies please get in touch at