Creative Stars – June

Congratulations to our latest round of Creative Stars winners!
Our service user awards celebrate the people who shine brightly and do wonderful things for each other. We have four exciting category winners, who will receive a badge, £30 Love2Shop voucher and a certificate.
Congratulations to this month’s round of winners:
High Flyer Award
Alan Wilson, Stockport
Since coming to the service two years ago, Alan has “rebuilt his life” and made such fantastic progress. He takes great pride in his home, working hard to maintain his outdoor space which is beautifully decorated with ornaments.
Alan has developed important life skills such as cooking and shopping, and enjoys going on local walks where he keeps staff entertained with his stories! He also works five days a week at a local shop and enjoys his role.
With a caring and friendly nature, Alan naturally looks out for people and has built many friendships with others within the service, and now goes to weekly snooker sessions with his friends. His staff team are so proud of everything he has achieved.
Well done Alan!
“Alan has come such a long way in the time we have known him.”
Positivity Award
Steven Flandin, Stockton-on-Tees
Steven has proved himself to be such a confident and independent individual, who has come on leaps and bounds with his mobility. Staff are so impressed with Steven’s dedication to his physiotherapy exercises, and he always makes sure to complete these twice a week.
With a can-do attitude, Steven has shown incredible resilience and never gives up, no matter how difficult it may be, and staff have seen such a difference in his strength! Steven has also become strong-willed and independent in other areas of his life, such as cooking.
Steven, you’re an inspiration to all, fantastic work!
“Steven puts 110% into pushing himself every hour of the day to continue being as mobile and independent as possible.”
Eco-friendly Award
Kate Sprinhall, Stockton-on-Tees
Kate’s staff members are so impressed with her dedication to help out at her local Garden Centre! Kate takes special pride in flexing her gardening skills, helping to make plant pots, grow the plants and serve customers in the café.
Kate’s items are available for members of the public to buy, and many of the plant pots are displayed in and around Stockton! Kate loves helping out in her free time and attends the centre’s community open days, developing friendships and demonstrating her community values.
Well done Kate, we hope this award shows how much your hard work is appreciated in the community!
“Kate has achieved a good sense of community values.”
Community Champion Award
Matthew B, Doncaster
Matty has been taking part in a project called ‘Paint the Park’, where he has been helping other volunteers in the community to give his local park a fresh new look!
The project has brought Matty so much joy knowing that he is making a difference to his local area, and he has been really enjoying engaging with others and meeting new people. Matty didn’t have much experience with painting before, and has made a great achievement by developing new skills!
Matty is really looking forward to getting involved with more things to help out in the community, and has shared lots of ideas with his staff.
Fantastic work Matty!
“I am really proud of Matty for coming out of his comfort zone and engaging with new activities”
Here are all of our amazing Creative Stars this month:
Thanks to our Judging Panel
Special thank you to our judging panel in Doncaster for deciding this month’s Creative Stars!
If you’re interested in hosting a judging panel, get in touch by emailing or by giving us a ring on 0161 236 0829.
Nominations can be submitted by staff, volunteers, people we support and family members.
Our next round will close on the 31st July so please submit before this date.
We can’t wait to read your nominations, and we wish everyone the best of luck!
You can find the nomination form on the staff area.