Dignity Action Month

Dignity Action Month

Every February marks Dignity Action Month, a time for everyone to reflect on how we can uphold everyone’s rights to rights to dignity, respect, kindness and compassion.

Promoting dignity means ensuring the people we support are treated as individuals whose needs and preferences are respected. We empower people to make choices and to have control over their own lives. Our recently published Mission and Purpose Statement, along with our We Care Values, cements our commitment to embedding dignity into everything we do. Our ‘Culture Statement’ features dignified treatment as a principle of our organisation: ‘We treat the people we support with respect and consideration and promote their dignity and privacy at all times.’

Dignity is so fundamental to our lives that it is not only a regulation required by CQC, but it is enshrined within the Human Rights Act, Article 1: ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.’ We are all entitled to be treated with dignity and to ensure that others are too.

This year’s Dignity Action Month theme of ‘three little deeds’ encourages everyone to think about small ways we can promote dignity every day. What are three small things you can think of that would promote dignity at your service? Let us know on our social media pages by following the links below:




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