Our #CelebratingDiversity Autism Month Newsletter is now available!

As part of our yearly theme #CelebratingDiversiy, this month we have been celebrating autism and neurodiversity! With the help of our fantastic colleagues and service users, we have included information, resources and stories, providing a platform for people to share their own unique experiences and perspectives of autism!
By creating this newsletter, we hope to bust some myths about autism which feed outdated stereotypes. We also wanted to raise awareness of certain topics that will hopefully allow everyone at Creative Support to be even more mindful of things that our autistic service users and staff experience.
Click to read the Autism Month Newsletter
Alongside the newsletter, we’ve been #CelebratingDiversity this month across our social media, sharing interesting and insightful stories from the people we support and our staff. For more bite-size daily posts, check out our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for these and more! Some of these aren’t in our newsletter, so you can read and learn more through these posts too!
Want to help us #CelebrateDiversity ?
If you would like to share a personal experience, a book or TV recommendation, or get involved in the month in any way then please let us know and we will continue to share as much as we can!
Contact marketing@creativesupport.co.uk – we would love to hear your story!