Self Kindness

When you think of kindness, you might immediately start thinking of ways you can go about putting a smile on someone’s face. While this is lovely, and people around you will be grateful for your thoughtfulness, how often do you think about being kind to yourself? We are often nicer to other people than we are to ourselves as we often hold ourselves to a different, higher standard which is difficult to reach.
Being kind to yourself can go a long way to improving your mental health and boosting your self-esteem. We will go out of our way to help out a friend who might be having a tough time, or with a random act of kindness to show our appreciation for them, but we rarely put this much effort into making ourselves feel this way. Sometimes it’s easier to think how you would go about being kind to yourself if a friend was in the same situation as you- what would you do to bring a bit of kindness into their lives?
There are lots of ways to be kind to yourself, on a small scale and on a bigger one too. This could be anything from ignoring any unwelcome negative thoughts about yourself, to buying yourself a nice hot chocolate when out and about, or treating yourself to something you really want. Self-care can be a form of kindness too, such as making time for yourself to have a long bath, cooking your favourite meal, or spending an evening with your favourite hobbies like playing video games or reading.
Whatever kindness means to you, and however you wish to bring it into the world, we hope you put yourself on the list to receive something that brings sunshine into your life.
Remember, we’d love to hear your stories about acts of kindness you’ve done or people have done to you, so please get in touch by emailing the Communications Team via