Tameside’s Sporty Summer

11 services in Tameside used their Sporty Summer ‘Celebration’ grant of up to £800 to throw a sports day to remember!
With activities spread across the track, people could take part in hoop toss, splat-the-rat, egg and spoon races, inflatable darts, tin can throw, penalty shootout, and much more! To get into the friendly competitive spirit, each person was given a score card to keep track of their wins.
But first, a warm-up to get everyone moving and ready for the sports extravaganza! Gathering in a circle, everyone stretched out the multi-coloured parachute, preparing to catch the bouncy balls that were soon to descend. With a technique of waving as hard as they can, ducking down and then lifting up, it’s safe to say – most of the balls ended up on the ground. It was an arm workout like no other, and everyone was soon ready to begin the day.
Each person took a number to tell them which station to start at, and moved clockwise around the field to have a good go at everything. As we were catching the coattails of Storm Lilian, the wind was strong, with the potential to sabotage some of the games. Taking it in their stride, everyone was ready for the challenge, promptly altering their playing style and putting some extra effort into their throws. Howard had a go at the tin can throw, and although the beanbags were close, it wasn’t enough to dent the tower. “It’s the taking part that counts,” he laughed – right you are!
Those seeking shelter could enjoy a sizzling bacon or sausage butty to reward their efforts, and staff brought round fancy fruit skewers for dessert.
Sarah Kissack, Registered Manager, explained why she applied for the grant. “We discussed as a team whether we thought people would participate, and created a co-produced application with games that people would most like to take part in. Everyone wanted it to be light-hearted and fun.”
Held at the Tameside Cycle Circuit, there were plenty of disability-friendly bikes for people to whip round in.
“A lot of people attend ‘Bikes for All’ here, so they’re familiar with the venue and how to use the bikes,” explained Sarah. DJ particularly enjoyed the hand pedal bike, and Latour was off like a light on his. “I’m strong like James Bond!” he said.
The air was abuzz with suspense while scores were totted up, determining who would win Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, along with vouchers. Congratulations to Abbie who won Gold, Karen who won Silver, and Geoffrey who won bronze! “I’ve enjoyed everything,” said Geoffrey.
“I’ve had a nice day, I enjoyed being on a bike again and I’d like to come again,” said Linda.
“I’m glad I’ve come here and I’ve made new friends,” said Sharon.
Well done everyone, you should all be so proud of your athletic prowess!