Volunteers for Global Impact Day

On Tuesday 27th June, volunteers from Fanatics Inc came down to help transform the garden at one of our services in Manchester.
“At Fanatics we have a national day of volunteering, where all staff choose a non-profit to volunteer with” said Katherine, who was head of the volunteer group. “I came down to Creative Support as I live nearby. We’re planting tomato plants, lavender, lilac, we’ve got some seeds and bulbs too. I think we’ve made a really visible difference!”
“The garden needed work,” said Toni, Service Manager. “It’s a big garden so they do pay for a gardener but he only cuts the grass, so Ian and Stephen have been trying to get a vegetable patch growing but they needed a bit of help. Ian is really good at gardening so this has been perfect for him to get involved.”
“It already looks better,” said Toni. “They’ve got a barbecue, and my creative juices are flowing for ways to get the guys to spend more time out there!”
“It feels really rewarding to help out,” said one volunteer. “I don’t have a garden so it’s nice to get outside, and I did a similar thing last year.”
Thank you so much to the volunteer team from Fanatics for helping us out, you’ve made such a difference and the garden looks wonderful. Just in time for summer!